Time Off

I took two days off to go to Orlando to visit my daughter and granddaughter and see the Trocaderos with them. I should have stayed home packing, however we bought the tickets months ago. I had such a good time visiting that it was worth the extra push when I get back.

Matching Sofa and Dog

On the way, I stayed with son and daughter-in-law and met the new granddog, Emma. Half chocolate lab, half Shar Pei from an abandoned litter of 9. Who let's their un-neutered dogs run around? Who even has un-neutered dogs?

Today is house and seawall inspection. The house was listed AS IS.  I do believe the seawall is in great shape. We've never had a leak. The rest: meh. It's 57 years old. What do you expect? The inspector is here, running water, opening closets, testing sliding doors. Who knows.

Yesterday we went through the tools. Those our sons don't want are going to Faith Farm today. I'm not being sexist. Our daughters already have all the tools they want. I can't decide if I'm sad that we are unlikely to ever need a skill saw again, or if I'm relieved that I don't have to every use a skill saw again. We are keeping a couple of drills, hammers, sets of screwdrivers, etc. Just none of the bigger tools.


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