Realism Setting In
My Father’s Navy Uniform |
I've given into reality and admitted we will need a storage unit for the next year. Even though I have been ruthless in getting rid of things we don't want any more, there are still boxes of stuff we will, no, make that could want in our next home. China, charcoal and gas grills, outdoor clothesline, art, etc. No furniture. That will either go to the apartment, or go to charity. Need a desk? Bureau? Me neither.
I found a near-by, climate-controlled storage facility for $88/month with a month-to-month contract. Not bad. 7' x 10'. I can move our steel storage shelves in to put boxes on, shove in the big stuff, and store the camping equipment by the door. This will work.
The facility is near major highways so easy to get to and near my son so he can use it if there is extra room. Or he can bring me something if I don't want to drive. This will definitely work.
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