Maybe Four Is a Charm
The inspection period has passed for our house sale. Now we wait for financing to be approved.
And worry that the buyer won't freak out again about termites. He had a second roofing company come and look. It's Florida. There have been termites. We did have the house tented a few years ago. Probably more than a few. That got rid of any termites at that moment. As soon as the tents came off, new ones could have moved in.
Subterranean Termite Bait Holder |
For a few years, we have participated in a University of Florida experiment that tests the latest bait for subterranean termites. PhD candidate Ben placed bait holders throughout the yard. They are about 8" in diameter and 6" deep. He had to dig a hole for each one. He learned much about how to repair sprinkler pipes when you break one with a shovel. Part of his training program. The leader of the experiment and the company reps came last week to check on the baits and proclaimed that it was working well. No sign of any termites. They would like to keep the experiment running at least another year. I've decided to wait until after closing to mention this possibility to the buyer.
While we are waiting, I'm continue to pack, and my friend came down to help. Today she packed all the framed photos, while I went through file cabinets. Take my advice: throw away those receipts; do not file them. Everything is on the computer waiting to be searched when needed, which is never.
We also packed most of the decorative items. Walls are getting bare. That stuff is going to storage because I don't want to have to pack it again in a year.
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